
Showing posts from September, 2018


"Massaged babies gain weight as much as 50 percent faster than unmassaged babies.  They're more active alert, and responsive, more aware of their surroundings, better able to tolerate noise, and they orient themselves faster and are emotionally more in control"(Ackerman, A Natural History of The Senses). The sense of touch is truly amazing.  Babies that are touched gain more weight this is crucial for a child's development. Every child deserves a mother or fathers affection.  After carring a child in your womb for nine months they are awaken to a cold crucial world.  It is important to nurture babies, touch can reassure they are safe.  "Touch is ten times stronger than verbal or emotional contact"(Ackerman, A Natural History of The Senses).  I decided to draw this to show the emotional bond a mother has with her baby through touch.  She spends nine months touching her belly feeling the growth and bond develop over time.  It is truly a...


"A  carpenter looking for rough patches may run a thumb over the plank of wood he has just planed. A cook may roll a bit of dough between  thumb and forefinger to test its consistency"(Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses). As an artist may create with their sense of touch. As I thread the needle I manage to prick my finger multiple times as I think about our sense of touch. It reminds me of  walking on the beach stepping on sharp shells,  Like the sand that sticks between my toes and the ocean waves that splash across my body one wave at a time.  I feel the earths sense of touch all around me.  As each wave surrounds my body I feel effortless floating through infinity.